Friday, September 27, 2002
So here it is, Merry Christmas
Still three months or to go, and the first symptoms of festivitis are already apparent.
Cadbury's have started placing their overpriced tiny chocolate puddings by the tills in newsagents. Card shops are clearing out their selection of decent birthday cards in favour of nasty twee red and green robins. Parents have started asking you what your plans for Christmas are, like it actually matters yet. In a pub last week I heard them play Merry Christmas Everybody by Slade, but I suspect that was just someone being ironic with the jukebox. Somewhere, sadly, you just know that Will Young is busy recording his own Pop Idol version of White Christmas. And down at Tesco they've already stacked their shelves with Christmas stuff - crackers, cards, the complete range of christmas puddings, Quality Street selection boxes, wrapping paper, tinsel and chocolate advent calendars. Why, by the way, would anyone want to buy an advent calendar in September?
Please, let's kick Christmas back into December, or at least late November, where it belongs.
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