Thursday, October 31, 2002
The best of October
TV programme of the month: The Office. Just reminds me how lucky I am to work in a decent office, and not a normal one. Ok, who's hidden my stapler?
TV programme nearly-let-down of the month: League of Gentlemen series 3. Episode 4 was hilarious. Episode 5 was ok. Episodes 2 and 3 were highly disappointing. Thankfully episode 6 tonight has just tied up all the loose ends and rescued everything. Or at least I think it did - I could barely see a picture given my TV reception. You're my elephant now.
Football result of the month: Erm, if I look back far enough I'm sure I'll find at least one result that went Arsenal's way. Erm, we did thrash Sunderland a lot earlier in the month. It all seems so long ago now.
Film of the month: Donnie Darko. It's a film about a schizophrenic teenager seemingly stalked by a 6 foot alien rabbit. It's either Back To The Future updated for the 21st century, or else it's Buffy crossed with the Lost Boys but without the vampires. It's wonderfully leftfield for an American movie, which is probably why it wasn't a big hit over there. It's one of those very rare films that I could actually watch again soon.
Film soundtrack of the month: Donnie Darko ends with an atmospheric cover version of Tears for Fears' Mad World that had everyone in the cinema turning to their neighbour and saying "That's excellent! Who the hell is it by?" Turns out to be by an American folkie called Gary Jules. He's dripped every ounce of melancholy out of a great 20-year-old synth tune, and it sends shivers down my spine. Somebody release it please - it could be huge.
Album of the month: Lost Horizons by Lemon Jelly. Read about it on a blog somewhere on Saturday morning. Bought it Saturday afternoon. Still in my CD player days later. A blinding and very English album, located somewhere between Air, a 1970s public information film and the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. Perfect, so I went out and bought the entire back catalogue two hours later.
Compilation album of the month: Forever Delayed by the Manic Street Preachers. I don't buy compilation albums because they're all rip-offs of music you already own, just in a different order. However, I didn't own any of this in any order, so I was pleasantly surprised by the relentless succession of excellent singles on here. All this and a free remix album thrown in for good measure - it's a design for life.
Re-discovered 90s band of the month: Denim. How did I ever miss this band first time round? How could anyone fail to fall for a group with songs called Ape-Hangers, Granddad's False Teeth, Wear Your Foghat With Pride and Ankle Tattoos? Not forgetting the utterly enchanting Internet Curtains? It's wonderfully tongue-in-cheek, a sort of Half Man Half Biscuit with synthesiser backing. Well, you might not be impressed, but I'm hooked.
Gig of the month: The Buffseeds and Vega 4 at the London Barfly. Went specifically to see the excellent, unassuming Devon lads. Ended up being very impressed by the big-on-the-continent done-nothing-here showmen from across the Commonwealth. That's the lovely Neil from the Buffseeds, by the way, in miniature. Neil says hello. Well, he said hello to me anyway.
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