Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Pop the question
Last night saw the weekly Pop Quiz at the Retro Bar. If it's Tuesday, then there must be 20 tough pop questions to be answered, and a potentially large pot of money to be won. This week's quiz was set by my friend Ian (not that he told me any of the answers in advance, as long as that's understood?)
The questions tend to come from 1970-1990, and if Ian's setting the quiz they often cluster around 1981, not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Ian's quizzes invariably feature both M and the Human League somewhere, although sadly never as answers. Tonight I was able to use all my skill and judgement to put four Cliff Richard songs in chronological order (thanks Mum), to identify six records produced by Giorgio Moroder, and to remember that Princess Anne played souzaphone on the Bonzo Dog Band's legendary Intro Outro.
Alas, our score of 18 wasn't enough to beat the 100% perfection of the winning team, but it was high enough to be part of the tie-breaker for second place with another team of regulars. Alas, again, I couldn't identify the Three Degrees to save my life, so Mark's team walked off with the runners-up prize. However, given that their prize turned out to be the latest dire Westlife single, maybe it was a lucky escape after all.
I had far more luck the last time I was involved in a tie-breaker, naming an obscure one-hit wonder from 1987 in five seconds flat, helped out by the unlikely coincidence that my cousin used to go out with their lead singer. Still only won a Robbie Williams calendar for all that effort though.
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