Tuesday, December 03, 2002
Aarika writes from the US: So I typed "diamond geezer" into Google and ended up at your weblog. She's right, you know. I appear to be the top result if you do a Google search for that particular phrase. Wow! I'm also 11th, 12th and 16th, which isn't bad after less than three months in existence.
Aarika continues: But...still...what's a diamond geezer? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Well Aarika, it's an East London sort of a phrase, as you might expect. Your average Cockney might say that a diamond geezer was a reliable person, the salt of the earth, a decent bloke, a real gem. Others might say he was the sort of person you could buy a used car from without being sold a ringer. And others... well, for further information on other diamond geezers online check out my blog post from 8th October.
However, there is one perfect website to visit in order to answer your question, called Googlism. You type in a name (go on, try yours, everyone does) and the site searches Google to find out what the world thinks of you. And, for diamond geezer, the answer is apparently as follows:
• diamond geezer is a quins supporter that wears bright trousers
• diamond geezer is your personal diamond expert
• diamond geezer is the "original junglist" of the crew specializing in old skool & ragga jungle as well as playing the best in drum & bass
• diamond geezer is a strange
• diamond geezer is bluesy psych
• diamond geezer is not a prolific goalscorer
• diamond geezer is someone you will encounter a little later in your travels
• diamond geezer is in the hut across from that
• diamond geezer is a girl's best friend
• diamond geezer is all about
• diamond geezer is 'enery
• diamond geezer is big
So Aarika, I'm glad you stumbled upon my page and that you continue to read and enjoy. Thank you for your kind comments. And that 6th comment sums up a diamond geezer best, as I'm sure those who know me will agree.
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