Thursday, January 16, 2003
Dead-line 2012
• Pack up your troubles: The Government are doing a fine job of pouring cold water on London's Olympic bid. We shouldn't bid, we might not win, it might cost too much, it might not encourage enough young people to take up sport, the money could be better spent on hospitals, our transport might not be up to it... and now the latest excuse is that it might not benefit the rest of the country enough. London would have to foot the entire bill itself, despite the fact the great and good from rest of the country would be only too happy to buy tickets to fill the stadium's executive boxes come 2012. Speaking as a resident of the country's poorest local borough, right next to the proposed Olympic site in Stratford, I hope the bid goes ahead. Politicians shouldn't be able to put a price on hope and dreams.
• Yes, we have no bananas: Scientists report that edible bananas may disappear within a decade because they're not having enough sex. The world's favourite fruit is under imminent threat from pests and fungal disease, and all because all bananas are sterile. Apparently they're all evolved from a strain of seedless mutant bananas from South-East Asia dating back 10,000 years. No seeds, no reproduction, no chance of evolved genetic protection, no bananas, no easy-to-pack fruit available for the nation's lunchboxes. Maybe this is all just a scare story to get us to accept GM crops in our shopping baskets. Or maybe 2012 is just shaping up to be a really grim year.
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