Thursday, February 13, 2003
The retail therapy project (additional guidance)
There's £100 to spend on my birthday present... but on what?
A little background reading for those of you who have still to make up your mind.
(a) Music: I'm getting a bit better at buying albums. I even bought a new one yesterday, though that's not as common as you might think. If this category gets chosen next week, I guess it'll have the smallest impact on my retail habits, but it'd be fascinating to see what records you think my collection is lacking.
(b) Books: I don't read enough books, mainly because I choose to use my daily commuting time reading a newspaper instead. I guess, like the previous category, it'd take a lot of books to total £100, but you could always prove me wrong on that.
(c) Video/DVDs: My entire video collection currently totals well under £100, and you'll remember I'm currently DVD-less. Very abnormal. However, the DVD situation may all be about to change, so voting for this category might help kickstart something completely fresh in my life.
(d) Electrical/gadgets: Quite a broad category, but there's a lot of scope for an interesting £100 purchase in a few weeks time. My favourite gadget at the moment remains my personal mp3 player. It makes daily commuting strangely enjoyable, not least for the other people standing on the platform watching me enjoying the music...
(e) Home furnishings: I live in a rented furnished flat and I'm not allowed to stick things on my walls, so that may restrict this category somewhat. However, you could cause me serious inner personal trauma by forcing me down to IKEA for my retail experience.
(f) Clothing: Plenty of scope here to blow £100 on something hip, expensive and unnecessary. I tend to buy most of my clothes in sales, but (lest you think I'm a complete cheapskate) never from George at Asda, never from charity shops, and never anything in brown corduroy.
(g) Travel: What, leave London? You must be kidding! OK, so I have ventured a bit further than £100 could take me already this year, but if you do select this category, please make sure you allow me to buy a return ticket.
(h) Other: Could be anything this (except, obviously, music, books, videos etc). At least three people have already voted for 'other', so they clearly have something specific in mind. We'll see what happens should this get selected.
A reminder that you can cast your vote by visiting this special online survey site (select survey number 3905), or by posting a comment in the comments box below, or by email, any time between now and next Tuesday. Further details below.
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