Wednesday, March 12, 2003
While we're on the subject of classification, here's one of those What type of thingy are you? online tests.
I've visited some people's blogs that are nothing but What type of thingy are you? online tests. There's What type of frog are you? (I'm a Pacific tree frog) , What type of kitchen utensil are you? (I'm a fridge) and What type of pie are you? (I'm apple pie). The most extreme example of this phenomenon has to be Which online personality test are you? (I'm the 'Which online personality test are you?" test).
This online test, however, is just different enough for me to want to link to it.
9w1? Spot on, I reckon, which is not bad for an online personality test. Imaginative, creative and orderly, but with a tendency not to get enough done. Sounds much more accurate than the horoscope personality profile I posted here on Sunday. Us type 9s are generally calm, laid-back and optimistic, which is perfectly me as well. We can be too accommodating, but we have a desire for peace, quiet and reconciliation. What a pity George and Tony aren't 9s.
Oh, and us type 9s get on best with type 1s, apparently, so if you're still thinking of applying for last week's Situation Vacant, a bit of one-ness might help.
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