Saturday, March 22, 2003
Tw* th*rd*
It's come to my attention that less people read my blog on a Saturday than on any other day of the week. In fact, only two thirds as many people visit here on a Saturday compared to my normal weekday traffic. I'm sure many of you read blogs while you're at work, or even write them at work, so I should expect to get less hits at the weekend. Also I suspect a lot of you actually have a life at weekends, out shopping somewhere or doing some thrilling DIY or something, so you have no time to log on and read. So, as a result I've decided to put a bit less effort into my Saturday posting. If you can't be bothered to drop by, then I'll only do two thirds as much as usual today. It's your own fault...
Slow train ******: Why are *** the trains ** South London ** incredibly slow? ** North London *** trains seem ** go faster. ** my experience *** South London **** crawl slowly ******* stations, wait *** hours in *** stations, and ******** go nowhere **** fast. Maybe **'* Connex who *** to blame ***, whatever the ******, it's like ***** back in *** 19th century. * almost expect ** see men **** red flags ******* in front ** the trains. ** always seems ** take ages ** escape back ** modern civilisation ** North London **** you're travelling ** only a ********* ten miles ** hour. It ***** beats driving ******.
Rolling news *******: I watched **** four hours ** digital channel *** News 24 **** last night *** this morning. **** showed endless ***** coverage of *** situation in ****, repeating the **** images, reports *** interviews over *** over again. **'* very hard ** imagine **** there are **** viewing figures *** rolling news **** this, but ***** the BBC ***** pumping out ***** of speculation, **********, fireworks displays *** tank convoys. ** be honest, * am bored ****-less by *** this saturation ** coverage, replacing ** favourite programmes **** news reports. *** crisis in **** is important, ****** don't get ** wrong. However, ** for the ****** TV coverage, ***** I really ***'* give a ****.
*****: * ***'* ** ******** ** ***** **** ***.
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