Thursday, April 10, 2003
It's the hundredth day of the year. I thought I'd take this opportunity to look back over 100 days of diamond geezer to see if I could pin down what sorts of things I've been posting about. Not because I want to get all self-analytical, you understand, but because the percentages are easy.
99% of days have at least one post I only missed out on January 2nd
95% of days have links to somewhere else and today is no exception
89% of days include the word 'I' I talk a lot about myself, don't I?
84% of days have comments thanks for all of those
83% of days had more than fifty visitors and almost every day since January
56% of days have two posts I like to offer value for money to the reader
46% of days have pictures these are more common since March
45% of days mention London I actually live somewhere worth writing about
30% of days have a post at exactly 7am including today
30% of days featured the Count one of the reasons so many days have two posts
25% of days had over a hundred visitors most of them in the last month
24% of days have exactly one post but it's usually meaty in size
24% of days have a post before ten past midnight I like to get in there early
20% of days have more than ten comments most of them actually relevant
18% of days have three posts you lucky, lucky people
17% of days have puzzles so, what percentage don't?
17% of days discuss other blogs always good to talk about ourselves, eh?
17% of days mention television both old and new, I'm not proud
15% of days featured the Retail Therapy project my light bricks are still lovely, thanks
11% of days mention music do stop me if I keep going on about the Buffseeds
10% of days mention the Underground bet you thought it was more than that
9% of days mention football not quite so much to cheer at the moment
8% of days mention the w*r impressively low - there's more to life
5% of days mention films it's not a golden Hollywood year, yet
4% of days have more than twenty comments maximum so far is twenty-nine
3% of days were posted from abroad roughly eight hours west of here
1% of days have no posts at all it's not easy to find an internet cafe in San Francisco
0% of days mention Justin Timberlake until today, drat, so that's really 1%
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