Sunday, April 20, 2003
Easter Eggz (soft centre)
I have a bit of a Creme Egg obsession. I like to buy my first one on December 27th, and then stock up on multipacks before the Easter cut-off date to make sure I have enough of a supply to see me through the late-Spring Creme Egg desert. I'm particularly pleased that Easter's late this year because it's extended the Creme Egg buying season to a near-maximum 115 days. I'm easily pleased, as you can see.
• The Creme Egg first appeared in 1971.
• 180 million Creme Eggs are sold in the UK each year.
• One year's output of Creme Eggs weighs more than 1,500 African elephants.
• In 1983, inspired by the success of Kit Williams' puzzle book Masquerade, Cadbury launched a round Britain egg-based treasure hunt called Conundrum. A book was published containing 12 paintings and accompanying verses giving clues to the whereabouts of 12 buried caskets. These caskets contained a 'certificate of ownership' with a telephone number which the finder called to claim a 22 carat gold egg created by Garrard, the crown jewellers. Each egg had a retail value in excess of £10,000. Needless to say the Great British public went round digging up a number of wrong historical sites instead, so Cadbury's had to dig up the last few and ask for people to claim them by post instead. At least one egg was found by accident by children playing on a path before the book was published, while another was buried in a road verge that was due for widening and would have been bulldozed away soon afterwards anyway.
• How do you eat yours? Probably in two chomps, I'll bet.
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