Saturday, April 19, 2003
Twenty answers
1) No doubt for the same reason I was awake before 8am this morning. I'm sure I used to be much better at sleeping in.
2) I hope everyone fitted in all their urgent gardening yesterday. Today's weather is perfect only for indoor DIY with a nice hot cup of cocoa.
3) Twenty years ago there were no newspapers published on bank holidays. I remember BBC Breakfast Time did an April Fool paper review on Good Friday 1983, reading out a batch of made-up stories. They weren't very good though.
4) Unless of course you know better. I think someone's missing out on a major marketing opportunity here. It would at least give secretaries something else to web surf at lunchtimes.
5) No, of course not, that would be an unjustifiable sweeping cultural stereotype. However, Japanese marriage does at least save us from being asked to take photos for them.
6) Most re-released Greatest Hits albums are just the artist's last Greatest Hits album with the addition of one extra single that failed to relight their career.
7) Not by the sound of it. Having so many 7s in my mobile number actually makes it surprisingly unmemorable, which is not what I expected.
8) DVDs make the perfect babysitter. And Harry Potter? Even better. Keeps the kids out of your hair for three hours. Repeatedly.
9) Probably not until they got to the off licence part of the supermarket and found they couldn't buy any wine for three hours.
10) There again, Americans have public holidays that are much better spaced than ours. And they get to feel much smugger than us in September, October and November.
11) F sharp. Well, I'm going to pretend that's the answer until someone can tell me otherwise.
12) Yes, which is why mobile phone companies would never do it. I like to use all 160 available characters for my text messages in a vain attempt to get at least some value for money.
13) I only waited until they bought the price down below £10. It's a very good album though - very cheerful, very lively, very party-rock, almost seventies.
14) Personally I blame this book for starting the trend. And twenty-something females for buying it.
15) Looks like lots of people remember, because there are lots more fan sites. Sadly the BBC has no plans to release the series on video.
16) Because picture messaging is not my future.
17) Thankfully I have yet to see any Goth offspring with black hair dye, henna, piercings and Sisters of Mercy t-shirts.
18) The 99p coin issue is one of a number of fascinating questions posted and discussed here. I may come back to a few of those at a later date.
19) If I'd rolled a 4 on my dice a fortnight ago, I might have seen Marsyas on its last day. Instead, alas, all that's left to see now are the two giant metal rings at either end of the Turbine Hall.
20) Well, what do you think?
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