Saturday, May 24, 2003
Big Bloggers
Today I'm celebrating the 16000th visitor to this site. Double 8000. I'm pleased to see that half of those 16000 visitors have come here via links on other blogs. So, who are my Big Bloggers? Here's my Top 20 linking blogs, by volume of visitors clicking here from there:
It's very tight at the top, but arseblog just manages to hold off the temporarily mothballed swish cottage. There have been five new entries since the last time I compiled this Top 20, topped off by samizdata slamming straight in at number 3. The four other new entries are to be found at positions 12, 18, 19 and 20. Meanwhile, lurking just outside the Top 20, there's london calling, linkmachinego and besty's blog. Thanks to all twenty-plus of you.
Why not click off and see what some of my Big Bloggers have to say on their sites. Just don't forget to click back here again afterwards...
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