Friday, May 23, 2003
Big Brother 4
It's back. 64 days of meaningless addiction. Excellent.
Anouska*: She did an A level exam in Sociology last Wednesday. Started quiet, has got much louder.
Cameron: Living in the Orkneys must be very similar to being isolated in the BB house (only considerably more scenic).
Federico*: He's a waiter, and he's packed a pair of handcuffs in his suitcase. That's two blokes from Scotland then.
Gos: He's a chef. It would be impolite to say that he looks like a chef too, so I won't.
Jon*: Twin, and seems very sure of himself. That's two blokes from West London then.
Justine: Another twin. Seems overbearingly nice and polite at the moment. Barely registering.
Nush: What are the chances of having two contestants called Anushka? Has a manically emotional mother. Might win.
Ray: This year's cheeky chappie. I suspect you'll either love him or hate him. I'll give him four weeks.
Scott*: What's a normal bloke doing in BB4? Trying to find himself, by the sound of it.
Sissy: Scouse loudmouth and fashion graduate. She's not great, she grates. Needs evicting.
Steph: It's her birthday next week. I bet C4 are more likely to select you if you have a birthday in May, June or July.
Tania: Clothes, nails, shopping, labels, fags, yah, darling, ciao. Ciao, hopefully.
*Up for eviction next Friday. Anouska must go.
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