Last night I went to a Spiritualized gig. Now, this fact is probably of interest to no more than three of my readers (they're a band, by the way), but I thought I should review the experience all the same. So I've decided to write three reviews for the price of one. One for true fans, one for me, and one for the generally disinterested. Those three categories again - . You'll get the hang of it.
Spiritualized are an rock band fronted by the Jason Spaceman. Our Jason writes like an , his music perhaps best described as . You no doubt the band's 1997 album Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space, or perhaps the 1995's Pure Phase. Just last week Spiritualized released their latest album, Amazing Grace, . This into the album charts at a number 25, probably reflecting the .
Last night's concert took place in the Electric Ballroom (a Camden rock ), just one venue on a world tour stretching as far as . The audience were , with the fans right up at the front awaiting the arrival of their . The lighting was really so it was quite hard to tell who was actually on stage, particularly given that Jason merely sat in one corner of the stage never once facing the audience. The band played little from the back catalogue, with most of the set given over to the new album.
After a first half, the later songs built to an , making members of the audience shake like they were . Jason's melodies , and the band perfectly. Stand-out track:. The whole experience was and I'm .