Monday, November 17, 2003
Who Week: Next Sunday sees the 40th anniversary of the very first episode of Doctor Who. It's the BBC's top science fiction serial, the show that almost never started but now somehow never dies. So, for the next seven days, diamond geezer is going retrospective with a whole week of Who. There'll be a detailed A-Z, a daily Doctor, a look back at what was on the telly that debut Saturday night back in November 1963, and probably some other stuff too. There'll also be absolutely tons of blue weblinks to explore, so please don't forget to click around. This upcoming Who-fest means I won't be blogging about the Audio Bullys gig I'm going to on Wednesday (not yet anyway), neither will I be mentioning the Bush state visit (although the assassination of another president will loom large), but I'm sure you'll survive. You can read the whole of Who Week right now by inventing time travel and jumping a week into the future, or else just sit back, grab a jellybaby and wait for the first thrilling episode. Cue swirly music...
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