Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Know your Freeview channels (an extremely-clickable guide)
[1] BBC1; [2] BBC2; [3] ITV1; [4] Channel 4; [5] five: All the usual terrestrial channels (but with rubbish teletext).
[6] ITV2: Kate Thornton goes behind the scenes of several dull non-events on ITV1.
[7] BBC3: Three almost-hit comedy shows on endless rotation.
[10] BBC4: Intelligent programmes they daren't put on BBC2 any more.
[11] Sky Travel; [17] TV Travel Shop: Package holidays you can share with (shudder) other common viewers.
[12] UK History; [19] UK Bright Ideas: UK Warfare and UK Gardening. But why can't I have UK Gold instead?
[16] QVC; [23]; [24] Crap items nobody needs but that bored housewives buy.
[18] The Hits; [21] TMF: Safe and unchallenging pop videos repeated every hour.
[20] f tn: Cheap fillers lifted from Living TV, Bravo, Trouble and Challenge.
[30] CBBC; [31] CBeebies: Two advert-free primary-coloured babysitting services.
[40] News 24; [41] ITV News; [42] Sky News: The same news stories stretched out in three different orders.
[43] Sky Sports News: No actual sport, just pundits and scrolling football results.
[45] BBC Parliament: Well, you voted for them, now you're stuck watching them.
[46] Community Channel: Broadcasts to an audience of zero between 2:45am and 5:45am.
[9] Teletext; [50] Four text; [51] BBCi: As we established yesterday, under-interactive disappointment.
[53] F2P Games: Relive the thrills of 1979 technology by playing Solitaire and Tetris on your telly.
[70-91] 21 digital radio stations: Almost worth buying a box for BBC6 and BBC7 alone. Almost.
[701-703] Occasional interactive extra stuff: Or endless Fame Academy.
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