Saturday, February 28, 2004
The Count 2004
Last February on diamond geezer I was busy counting things. Ten different counts, to be precise, in a thrilling daily feature called 'The Count'. Think of it as a 28-day tally chart. Now, one year later, I thought I'd revisit those 10 counts to see how different they were this February compared to last February, and then ponder meaningfully on how my life's changed since last year. Or not.
Count 1 (Blog visitors): Last February more than two thousand visitors logged in to diamond geezer (that's about 75 a day). This February the visitor tally is nigh seven thousand, a more than threefold increase of which I'm mighty proud. Thanks to you the reader for dropping by, and to all those of you who link here from your blogs and keep the visitors flowing. 250 daily readers eh? Blimey, that's almost as few people as watch at 3am.
Total number of visitors to this webpage in February 2003: 2141
Total number of visitors to this webpage in February 2004: 6917
Count 2 (Google searches): I think we've established that Google will link to anything, like the bindweed of the internet. Nobody is safe from its beady searching eye, and many's the bewildered soul misdirected here in search of some nugget of information I know nothing about. Still, at least the recent steady dripfeed of Google image-seekers doesn't seem to be skewing my statistics too much.
Total number of search engine referrals to this webpage in February 2003: 316
Total number of search engine referrals to this webpage in February 2004: 947
Count 3 (Blog content): Now this surprised me. I thought I was writing a lot more this year than I was last year, but that turns out not to be the case. Only a bit more in fact. Good, I'd hate to think my blogging was increasing out of control like an addiction or something. Do anything for a hit, me.
Total number of words in diamond geezer in February 2003: 14392
Total number of words in diamond geezer in February 2004: 16214
Count 4 (Spam): I've been plagued by spam over the last year. Last February I was barely touched, but then my blog email address started attracting Nigerians with erectile dysfunction and then there was no stopping them coming. In January I was clogged by 437 chunks of processed spam, and then (joy!) my service provider installed a filter to block them at source. So, this February, only one more spam than last year - result!
Total number of spam emails I received in February 2003: 30
Total number of spam emails I received in February 2004: 31
Count 5 (Nights out): Now, here's the big change in my life. Last February there were seven nights I stayed in - this February there were only seven nights I went out. From three quarters extrovert to three quarters introvert, that's one hell of a personality switch. I thought this might happen when my best mate emigrated to America last March. I suspect what I really need to do is to get off my arse and go out and do something on my own instead. Just not tonight though, can't be bothered...
The number of nights in February 2003 I went out and was vaguely sociable: 21
The number of nights in February 2004 I went out and was vaguely sociable: 7
Count 6 (Alcohol intake): After the last category, it probably comes as no surprise that my Becks intake has plummeted too. I no longer hiccup so often either. Anyone noticed if the brewery's share price has dropped accordingly?
Total number of bottles of Becks I drank in February 2003: 58
Total number of bottles of Becks I drank in February 2004: 17
Count 7 (Tea intake): Blimey that's consistent.
Total number of cups of tea I drank in February 2003: 135
Total number of cups of tea I drank in February 2004: 135
Count 8 (Trains used): See, Ken Livingstone's transport policies are vindicated - transport usage in London is on the increase by 6% year on year. Obviously I've extrapolated that figure from a very small sample, i.e. me, but looks like the Congestion Charge is a success. Either that or the Central Line is finally working again.
Total number of trains I travelled on in February 2003: 103
Total number of trains I travelled on in February 2004: 109
Count 9 (Exercise taken): My daily exercise is walking up escalators, even the really long ones. None of this strutting around time-wasting at the gym, I get my workout underground. And look, the same number as last year, apart from one escalator I couldn't walk up because some thoughtless git was blocking it with a wheelie suitcase.
Total number of escalators I walked up in February 2003: 73
Total number of escalators I walked up in February 2004: 72
Count 10 (Mystery count): I never told you exactly what I was mystery-counting last year, did I? I said I would if the count ever crept above zero, but it didn't, not last February and not this February either. Nor even the February before that, for that matter. London - it's overrated.
Total number of times that the mystery event happened in February 2003: 0
Total number of times that the mystery event happened in February 2004: 0
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