Saturday, March 06, 2004
The Big Answer (5): Who reads diamond geezer?
Thanks for voting in my readership survey. Now I know a lot more about you all, collectively at least. According to my survey results, the typical diamond geezer reader is a straight-but-coupled 20-something male blogger from the London area. If anyone out there reckons they could be Mr Average, please stake your claim in the comments box. And here are those results in a little more detail.
Male or female? | | male (65) |  | 76% | female (20) |  | 24% | |
Hmmm, that's three male readers to every female. Could it be that the internet is full of blokes, or is it just that women have better things to do with their lives than clicking their way around cyberworld? I have a horrible feeling it's both of those.
Age | | <20 (5) |  | 6% | 20s (30) |  | 35% | 30s (29) |  | 34% | 40s (13) |  | 15% | 50s (5) |  | 6% | 60+ (3) |  | 4% | |
Two thirds of my readers are aged between 20 and 40, with pretty much an even split between the two decades. Again maybe that's the nature of the internet, or maybe it's just that bloggers tend to attract a readership of roughly their own age (ahem, 20-something? who am I kidding?). Special greetings to my three silver surfers, and to the five of you who should be safely tucked away in a supervised chatroom somewhere else instead.
Where do you live? (pick one) | | London (31) |  | 36% | England (30) |  | 35% | UK (10) |  | 12% | Europe (6) |  | 7% | World (8) |  | 9% | |
OK, I know I write about London a lot, but I was surprised to find that my readers are more likely to live in London (population 7 million) than anywhere else (population 6 billion). Well over three quarters of you are from the UK, with I suspect a strong-ish Scottish contingent. But I'm not attracting a lot of overseas readers am I? Maybe that means it's safe to carry on writing about local stuff, tea and nostalgic 80s TV programmes.
A bit more about you | | straight, single (26) |  | 31% | straight, coupled (41) |  | 48% | gay, single (13) |  | 15% | gay, coupled (6) |  | 7% | |
Ah, a fascinating chunk of social insight. Three quarters of you are straight (I suspect that's below the global average), roughly half of you are single (I suspect that's above the global average), and straight readers are twice as likely to be in a relationship as gay readers (I suspect that's deeply meaningful and many of you could blog about the subject at great length).
Do you have your own blog? | | yes (45) |  | 53% | no (40) |  | 47% | |
Roughly half of you are bloggers yourselves - I wonder if I've caught up with all your pages yet. But there are also plenty of people out there who only read, not write. Which is great, because blogs need readers, but have you ever thought about changing categories? Mike has, thankfully, And Douglas, you could, couldn't you? (breaking news: blimey, you have...!)
How often do you read diamond geezer? | | daily (44) |  | 52% | often (25) |  | 29% | occasionally (12) |  | 14% | first visit (4) |  | 5% | |
Half of you come back every day, eh? That's comforting, because I do try very hard to post something every day for you to read. But, as NiC points out, a lot of you so-called daily readers probably read from work and have the weekends off - my visitor stats would support that. A special hello to those of you making your first visit (or, if you're back again to read these results, your second).
When was your first visit to diamond geezer? | | 2002 (14) |  | 16% | early 2003 (30) |  | 35% | late 2003 (24) |  | 28% | 2004 (17) |  | 20% | |
And finally, a tribute to the longevity of blog readers. I started diamond geezer 18 months ago (almost exactly), and 14 of you claim to be part of my first tiny readership trickle. Thanks for your persisitence. And to the 2003 and 2004 contingent, stay tuned, because one day you'll be classified as founder readers too...
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