Saturday, March 13, 2004
Random borough
I'm faced by another Saturday with absolutely nothing urgent or important to do, so I thought I'd go out somewhere for the day. And, in the tradition of the Dice Man (see last year) I've decided to let chance decide exactly where I end up. There are 33 boroughs in London (map here, list here). I've decided to pick one of those 33 boroughs completely at random and then go there for the day. Could be near, could be far, could be urban, could be suburban, could be north, south, east or west, will be random. Then I'm going to visit some of that borough's most interesting places, assuming it has any. I'm going to try to visit somewhere famous, somewhere historic, somewhere pretty, somewhere retail, somewhere sporty and somewhere random. And then I'll come back tomorrow and tell you all about it. Can you stand the excitement? More to the point, can I? Ulp, let's see where I'm going...
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