Friday, April 16, 2004
golden gate geezer (back home)
Jetlag quotient: None yet, despite the fact I've been awake since 7am yesterday (or maybe that's 3pm yesterday).
Fog index: Nil, so there was a streetmap-perfect view over San Francisco just after the 747 took off from the airport.
Sights seen: I'm a lucky bloke. I got shifted at the last minute into the window seat in the exit row. I gawped as we flew directly over the Golden Gate Bridge, caught a glimpse of the northern shores of Lake Tahoe, stared down at cloud-free chunks of the Rockies and (9 hours of total legroom later) swooped into Heathrow past Legoland Windsor. I'm a complete sucker for aerial views, and this sucked big time.
Weight gain: Nil. I knew walking up all those contours was a good idea.
Home again: San Francisco is a fantastic city and I can see why BestMate moved there. I'll be glad to go back. But London is also a fantastic city, and I can see why I still live here. Glad to be back.
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