Wednesday, May 19, 2004
my diary, day 4000: Monday 14th December 1987 (age 22, Windsor, 696 words)
<delete work stuff> (sorry, we've hit another desperately dull day here. How did I ever write nigh 700 words about such banalities?) "At lunch an expedition into Windsor town centre. First stop ye olde watchmaker, I don't like paying £2.50 just to get my battery changed." (they're a complete con aren't they, watch batteries?) "Second stop Top Print, the printing of the annual Christmas card is imminent." (I've been making my own Christmas cards for the last 20 years, even though it would be so much easier to buy 40 folded cardboard robins instead) <delete more work stuff> (three-quarters of today's diary is work-related) "Brookside: Growler brings home his school report." (what is it with Phil Redmond and crap nicknames?)
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