Friday, July 16, 2004
Those technical wizards at Blogger have suddenly decided to introduce a new 'post editor' interface. And it's a nightmare. Literally overnight, blogging is no fun any more. The entry window is tiny (it takes up just 12% of my 17 inch screen) and cannot be resized. We're now able to type in a 'what you see is what you get' post, or else we can choose to enter normal HTML as before. The new dumbed down option looks like it's been designed to make posting easier for 12-year-olds, and produces hypertext with extremely ugly and lengthy HTML coding. And the original option of entering your own HTML is far harder to follow than before. Bold text used to be denoted by the very simple <b>text</b>, which was rather cosy. About a year ago we were forced to use the 'more correct' <strong>text</strong>. And now they've gone the whole hog and introduced the madness that is <span style="font-weight:bold;">text</span>. Bastards.
Most scarily, the new default option is the dumbed down option. Write a post, save it and then return to the edit window and you're dumped unceremonially on the 'Compose' tab. When you click to go back to the 'edit HTML' tab you'll discover that your carefully crafted HTML has been rewritten to match what Blogger thinks the HTML should be, which is rather more complicated. And, depending on your internet browser, Blogger may well have added a few extra blank lines and line breaks all over the place just to destroy the formatting you so carefully constructed. There always seems to be an extra blank line at the bottom of each new post too, whether you want it or not. I am, not to put too fine a point on it, majorly pissed off by this appallingly thought-through over-technical interface. Please please please give me the ability to turn it off, or I may go and sit in the corner and cry in sheer despair.
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