Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Special offer: It's London Open House weekend this weekend, and they're opening up an even older secret government bunker for a few members of the public to visit. This one's in Neasden (you may remember it from my Silver Jubilee month) and it would have been where the Cabinet relocated had Whitehall ever been destroyed. Further details here and here. And I have tickets. Two tickets in fact, one of which is going spare. Anybody interested in joining me in a deep damp hole at the weekend?
Terms and conditions apply:
• The ticket is for the 12 noon tour this Saturday, 18 September 2004.
• There is only one spare ticket, so only one of you can come.
• You have to make your own way to Brook Road, Neasden (map here).
• You need to wear sensible footwear (there's standing water in places).
• There's a lengthy 'health and safety' document to read too, so it helps to be mobile.
• Applications (including email address) to arrive by 11:59pm Wednesday, please.
• An extremely unfair method of selecting the lucky winner will operate.
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