Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Forum update: The diamond geezer forum burst into life yesterday when 17 new users (and several guests) posted more than 50 messages in a total of 9 threads. We learnt where to take a visitor who's on a whistlestop tour of London, which tube stations don't have ticket gates and which other forums you spend your lives reading. Between us we posted approximately 2000 words, which is far more words than would normally be posted in my comments box in one day and a lot more interactive than this blog normally gets. I was impressed, but not quite impressed enough. I still prefer blogs to boards because I prefer oneness to multiplicity. On a blog everything new is on the front page, whereas on a board you have to dig down one layer for the latest content. We can probably only cope with monitoring one or two message boards each day, whereas blogs are such a concentrated source of information that it's possible to digest more of them. Maybe that's why my forum ran out of steam yesterday after the climactic 'Tea at three' cuppa-sharing half hour. It's been a fascinating experience, but welcome back. Unless maybe there's some future in establishing a London Bloggers forum? It might have some longevity, that. Anybody interested?
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