Regular readers will know that I am not one of the world's most natural shoppers, being unable to walk past a retail outlet without speeding up. I have no desire for an iPod, I've never eBay-ed and I last bought a pair of shoes at least a couple of years ago. I'm just not getting enough. Now I discover that, apparently, shopping is very much like sex. Some addicts cave in to their most lustful and obsessive desires on a regular basis, while others remain impotent and untemptable no matter what is dangled in front of them. Which might explain a lot. OK, so this economic categorisation is really nothing more than just another PR-derived media-padding survey, but I found it fascinating all the same. So I thought I'd ask my readership about their shopping habits, just to check out whether I'm abnormal or merely misunderstood. Please vote and tell me - what kind of shopper are you?
Shopomaniac: You have an insatiable appetite for new products and spend hours comparing and trying out new items before taking them home. Typical buys: the latest beauty products, clothes, food and gadgets. Promiscuous: More discerning than the above, more persuadable than the following. Open-minded: You display a sensible and discriminating disposition to new products, which have to possess a very genuine selling point to earn favour. Typical buys: household essentials, items on special offer, value-for-money 'treats'. Hard to get: More apprehensive than the above, more receptive than the following. Celibate: You are actively hostile to new products and innovation in general, with little enthusiasm for product launches which other shoppers would view as exciting and 'must have'. Typical buys: binliners, loo roll, soap, teabags.