Thursday, February 24, 2005
Vote050505: I know it's not been officially announced yet, and probably won't be for another month, but the next General Election is precisely ten weeks away. I only mention this now because the tabloid battlelines have already been redrawn. This time last year, you may remember, the Sun was praising Tony Blair to the skies over his stance on Iraq. Not any more. The paper is now 100% behind Michael Howard, praising to the skies his policies on Europe, immigration and taxation, whilst simultaneously lambasting anything and everything Tony says. You probably don't read the Sun (and neither do I - I just scare myself occasionally by checking the 'news' on their website). But millions of Britons read its oversimplified bigoted ramblings every day, and for the past few months they've been dripfed the idea that the Tory leader is somehow the anointed salvation of Britain. I just thought I'd mention it. It might be important later.
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