Sunday, April 17, 2005
Nightbus questions
• Why are nightbuses full at 3am? Like, jam-packed full of heaving bodies who managed somehow to squeeze on board ten stops earlier? So full that the bus driver just sails past the stop you're waiting at, leaving you to wait 15 minutes for the next bus, which is also full, which also sails past. Why can't nightbuses run more frequently?
• And yet the buses running in the opposite direction are nigh empty. Why can't they run more buses in the direction everybody wants to go (out of town) and less in? I know it'd be impractical to organise, but surely it can't be impossible?
• Just who can all these nightbus passengers be ringing on their mobiles at 3am? I mean, surely everybody else in the country is fast asleep? Or is that why nightbus passengers have to speak so incredibly loudly into their phones, just to wake their mates up?
• Do people ever stop and think, when they're getting ready to go out on a Saturday evening, just how ridiculous and unfashionable their dishevelled clothes will look under the glare of a fluorescent tube on the nightbus home a few hours later?
• Why do people get on board nightbuses knowing full well that they'll fall asleep within minutes, then miss the stop they wanted to alight at, then wake up ten miles from home, then be forced to spend the rest of the night unconscious in a bus shelter?
• That couple sitting on the back seat holding hands and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes - what's the betting that they'll never see each other again after breakfast?
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