Some people I usually see on my walk to Bow Road station every morning
• Three community support officers heading off for another impotent shift walking the mean streeets of E3.
• A cleaner standing by the bus stop opposite the church waiting patiently to head east to collect her paltry daily wage.
• An apprentice builder, gleaming safety helmet in hand, hair cropped short so nobody can tell he's ginger (he hopes).
• Two teenage twins in non-identical blue hoodies, one lugging his art homework to school in a big plastic folder.
• Haunted faces staring out from the packed interior of a passing bendy bus.
• A grinning commuter in a grey woolly hat, clutching eight copies of the Metro newspaper to disperse at his place of work.
• A smart city worker in pinstripe and vivid shirt, striding past towards the station much faster than I can walk.
• An unkempt old woman pushing what's left of her life along the pavement in a rusty metal trolley.
• The newsagent in the kiosk beneath the conker tree holding out his hand to collect my daily pile of small change.
• The station supervisor busy reading her newspaper while some feral traveller pushes nonchalantly through the baggage gate.
• ...and no workmen busy renovating the station [latest update here: ]