diamond geezer
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
147 current* blogs with diamond geezer on their blogroll** *(at least one post since June 1st) **(blogroll must appear on site's main page) affable-lurking , All I Can Do Is Try , Alone in the Spotlight , AmbiDextri Sports , An American In London , anglosaxy , Anji Patchwork , Another Place , arcite's day , Arrrgh!!! , Arseblog , a beautiful revolution , Bells and Whistles , Big n juicy , bitful , bizgirl , Black Dove , Blue Witch , Bob - A blog , By A Woman (again!) , Casino Avenue , Confederacy Of A Dunce , contains mild peril , Counting Sheep , create my Life , crinklybee , Criticise.me , custard tart-ville blues , Dagbók Lilju , a day in the life of a Middle Manager , Depthmarker , D4D , Dogwood Tales , dsng.net , evilmoose , expecting to fly , FunJunkie! , Getting On , girl with a one-track mind , Gordon McLean , The Gospel According To Rhys , greenfairydotcom , GrocerJack's World , Hecho En Mexico , hello, my name is Sam... , Henri's World , In the Aquarium , It's good to be a guy , Jakartass , John Beardsworth , Justin Ruffles , katcha , Kebabylon , Kennamatic , KML's Monoblog , Knotted Paths , krn.me.uk , Lady Muck , Dead Letter Office : Late Delivery , letting loose with the leptard , L'homme qui marche , liam brady's left shinpad , The Life of Reilly , LinkMachineGo , Living in London , London Calling , London Underground Tube Diary , The Long Lost Lagomorph , lost in conversation and useless at scrabble , LukePDQ , Mad Dogs and Englishmen , Mad Teacher , mad musings of me , Mike Edie's Blog-arama , Momentary lapses of insanity , Moooooooooo! , moosifer jones' grouch , my ace life , My Boyfriend Is A Twat , my London life , My Thoughts Exactly , Never Mind The Bloggocks , Nexus , Nik Rawlinson , No, Luton Airport , not enough drew in the world , Notes From A Strange Blue Ghost , Nutgroist , Oddverse , Onan Online , onionbagblog , O, Poor Robinson Crusoe! , Patience.org , Paul Holloway , Pete Ashton , Pig Sty Avenue , Planarchy , Plep , Purely for Self-Amusement Purposes , Purple Pen , quinparker.com , ramsey , Random Acts Of Reality , Random Burblings , theRatandMouse , RedRobin , The Report Card , Res Publica , Rest Area 300m , Retail Hell , rogue semiotics , Route 79 , Samizdata.net , Scaryduck , screaming yellow fizz bang , A Sedgefield View , Silent Words Speak Loudest , Simply Stinni , a small life , so... , splee.blog , Smacked Face , Somewhat, Muchly , Storm in a Teacup , A Student's Life , Terradyme: Trials and Tribulations , terreus , these moments that I've had , 1000 Shades of Grey , 'tis an odd blog b'God , Too Late , troubled diva , T3G:2 ,Twenty Major , the Ulterior , Untamed Symphony , Vegetarian Mouse Slayer , A View from Middle England , The Voice of Reason , Volume 22 , Waffle Mania , What was the score? , wibble3 , The Willesden Herald , World of Chig , Yablog , The Zone Reasons for this listing : 1) To say thanks2) As a link back again3) As an example of what Technorati can do4) So that you lot can click away and read a few of them5) Because some blogs have great names - which name is your favourite?(Please let me know if I've missed you/anyone off the list)
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