Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Tube geek (12) Barrier codes
How annoying is it when an automatic ticket barrier refuses you passage? You may try inserting or swiping your card again, usually to no effect, but usually a queue of frustrated travellers builds up rapidly behind you and you have to shuffle off to get your ticket checked manually. It happened to the bloke in front of me at Bow Road yesterday. He was baffled, but the small green number 11 that flashed up briefly on the barrier's electronic display revealed to those of us in the know what his ticketing sin had been. Naughty man. Below are some of the more common ticket/Oyster error codes and their meanings (and if you want the full list you'll find it here).
00 Valid ticket
03 National Rail only (no Underground validity)
07 Code unreadable (usually when ticket is upside down)
09 Ticket damaged
11 Out of date
12 Not valid at this time of day (e.g. Off Peak Travelcard before 0930)
13 Under value (additional fare due)
19 Start date in future
21 Ticket already used for entry
22 Ticket already used for exit
24 Has season ticket but travelled out of zone and has insufficient Pre Pay to cover extension
25 Unstarted journey
26 Entry and exit at same station
34 Exit not allowed (Pre Pay not validated on journey)
41 Ticket used three times in quick succession at same station (entry-exit-entry or exit-entry-exit or purchase-entry-exit)
42 Pass back - double use in one direction
51 Already used for 1 journey (single) or 2 journeys (return)
61 Too long spent making interchange
82 Illogical use of ticket
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