Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Trafalgar Square (8): The law
London's smallest police station lurks in the southeast corner of Trafalgar Square. It's really tiny, more a hollowed-out granite column with a big lantern on top than a proper nick. Maybe that's why it's no longer used for its original purpose (in fact, peering inside it looks more like a cleaner's cupboard these days). But a misted-up frame on the rear wall contains a wonderfully petty list of modern Trafalgar Square byelaws, so I thought I'd reproduce a selection of these below to help you to avoid arrest the next time you pay a visit.
Unless acting in accordance with permission given in writing by the Mayor, no person shall within the Square:
• feed any bird (which shall include dropping or casting feeding stuff for birds);
• play or cause to be played a musical instrument;
• camp, or erect or cause to be erected any structure, tent or enclosure;
• make or give a public speech or address;
• take photographs or any other recordings of visual images for the purpose of or in connection with a business, trade, profession or employment;
• go on any shrubbery or flower bed;
• wash or dry any piece of clothing or fabric;
• use any pedal cycle, roller skate, ice skate, roller blade, skate board or other foot-propelled device;
• engage in any organised form of sport or physical exercise which causes a disturbance to any other person using the square;
• tow or leave any caravan.
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