Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Andy-man quiz: To celebrate St Andrew's Day, here are clues to 21 people called Andrew (or Andrews or Andy). Not all of them are Scottish (in fact not all of them are men). In each case I've clued the part of the name that isn't Andrew - can you work out the full names? [The 14 clues in the first two columns are all anagrams, while the seven in the right-hand column are differently cryptic]
A) weather airflow
B) wobbly elder
C) sawmill I
D) greedily
E) rum mess
F) hawkers
G) swatter
| H) a cigar
I) an omen
J) a whorl
K) pincer
L) advise
M) line
N) argy
| O) ringer (singer)
P) movement (poet)
Q) quartz isn't on (sportsman)
R) assassinated president (actor)
S) sounds like gem-e (actress)
T) insect darling? (actor)
U) P&Y (TV character)
Answers in the comments box
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