Thursday, November 17, 2005
Little Britain (a clicky clicky guide)
Third series begins tonight (BBC1, 9pm)
• official BBC website
• (very detailed) reports from those in the audience at the recordings
• the complete guide to series three
• some photos and press info
A few characters
• First series: Marjorie Dawes (dust, anybody?), Ray McConney (yeeee-ees), Daffyd Thomas (I'm the only gay in the village), Dame Sally Markham (how many pages?), Emily Howard (I am a laaaady), Lou and Andy (what a kerfuffle), Kenny Craig (look into my eyes), Anne (eh eh ehh), Dennis Waterman (write the theme toon, sing the theme toon), Vicky Pollard (yeah but no but yeah), Sebastian Love (whatevah!).
• Second series: Bubbles De Vere (call me Bubbles, darling), Harvey Pincher (bitty!), Carol Beer (computer says no), Judy and Maggie (who made this?), Florence (I am also a lady), Mr. Mann (I would like to purchase...), Linda (how can I describe him?), Viv Tudor (ooh, he was gorgeous).
• Third series: Desiree, Dudley and Ting Tong, Orville, Pat and Don, Sid Pegg, Sir Norman Fry MP, Mrs Emery, Letty, Leonard and Alan.
• character guide
Llanddewi Brefi
• the real Llanddewi Brefi (between Lampeter and Aberystwyth)
• daily life in Llanddewi Brefi
• "Legend states that Saint David, the patron saint of Wales, lived in the village and it is named after him; "Llan" referring in Welsh place names to a church or holy place and "ddewi" being a Welsh variant of the name David (or, in the more usual Welsh version, Dafydd, pronounced "Da-vith")"
• Sold in the village shop: t-shirts with slogan 'Nid Daffyd yw'r unig hoyw yn Llanddewi Brefi' (Daffyd isn't the only gay in the village); book of five circular walks (£3)
• Not sold in the village shop: Gay Times
Assorted links
• complete sketch guide to series one and two
• Littler Britain - the lookalikes
• Little Britain - the UK tour
• Tom Baker (tonight's BBC1 continuity announcer)
• all about David and Matt
• Lou and Andy platform game (new on the BBC website)
Little Britain, EC1
• My report from Little Britain, a little street in the City
• The story of Postman's Park
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