Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Product placement
Don't you just hate product placement? You're watching a film, or a show on some TV chanel, when the camera nestles slightly too long on a carefully positioned trademark or brand name. Maybe it sony a brief glimpse, or a compaq screenshot, but this sort of blatant promotion mars any good drama (no matter how nimbley executed). I hate to think armani of these sneaky hidden ads we're all subjected to over the coors of one week.
The idea of extra adverts in the gap betwixt the ad breaks is both recent and insidious. Subliminal messages can be slipped into your brain via your TV ariel while you think you're watching something else, and damaging subconscious lynx are made. And all this in the hope that we might one day shell out for some overpriced product or surf to some ad-ridden website. Does this ring any bells?
The very worst product placement is that aimed at impressionable youngsters from the age of 7 up - often the type hoo are most susceptible to peer pressure. It fosters all the wrong attitudes amongst virgin consumers. And letts not forget that these aspirational products often cost a lot of money, so poorer people can only afford them on HP. It sure hertz.
The people behind product placement are top marketing experts with a dazzling pedigree in the advertising world. They may be fantastic at their jobs and at the very top of their kraft, but they're also busy corrupting our TV series and films merely to winalot more market share and earn fastar bucks. Fairy nough you might think, but do they really think we have absolutly no intelligence?
My apologies to the more dellicate amongst you but, if I may be so bold, I reckon product placement has become a form of unnecessarily widespred bullshit. Sorry to harp on about it, but you get my dreft. So I think more people should have the courage to stand up and pledge to ban this visual spam. It's become too big an issue to igknorr and it can only get worse.
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