Sunday, February 26, 2006
Chocs away
I have to ask. Why aren't the chocolate vending machines on tube station platforms working?
Not that they ever worked very well in the first place. Many's the time an optimistic tourist has poked a coin into the slot, pressed the magic three-digit code and waited in vain for their chosen Dairy Milk or Fruit & Nut to appear. Maybe these people dont realise that Cadbury's chocolate is also available above ground in real shops, cheaper.
But the problem is now far more serious - it seems that not one of these vending machines is working. Creeping extinction appears to have occured over the last month, just in time for the Creme egg season. Now every chocolate machine on every London Underground platform has a cheaply wordprocessed notice sellotaped to the front, apologising that the machine is "temporarily out of order". There's a dodgy capital letter in the message, and there's some punctuation missing too, but the implication remains obvious - you can't buy chocolate here any more. I have to ask. What's happened?
option 1) The company which supplies these machines has gone bust.
option 2) The Government has banned the sale of unhealthy food beneath the surface of London.
option 3) Cadbury are planning to refurbish the machines to vend cappucinos, mochas and lattes instead.
option 4) The machines have developed an electrical fault and risk bursting into flames killing hundreds of innocent commuters.
option 5) Something else. Any theories?
Monday update: Who'd have thought - it's option 4!
"A few weeks/months ago, Oxford Circus station was evacuated and LFB called, due to smoke pouring from the chocolate machine. LUL engineers inspected them and found that a faulty part was causing the machine to dispense more than chocolate. Whilst repairs take place all the machines have been isolated in "section 12" stations. Those outside are not affected." (via District Dave's forum)
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