Monday, March 27, 2006
• Feeling down on a Monday morning? Get out your virtual guitar and play the desktop blues (via in4mador)
• What would happens if global warming caused a rise in sea level of two metres, or five, or ten? It could be bad news for most of Hammersmith, Peckham and Stratford, but not for Westminster, the City and my house. Try flooding where you live to different levels to see if your house stays above the water.
• The Armstrongs, BBC2's cult double glazing couple, have their own blog. It's everything you'd expect.
• My thanks to possbert, strangeblueghost and Pamela for having a go at Friday's Me Me Meme. Anybody else tempted?
• Wikipedia's list of lists: a catalogue of potentially useful stuff including a list of films about possessed body parts, a list of Simpsons characters, a list of albums containing hidden tracks and a list of global tongue twisters.
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