Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Who reads diamond geezer?
Thanks for voting yesterday in my readership survey - more than 300 of you were kind enough to take part. Now I know a lot more about you all, and how my readership has changed over the last two years. According to my 2006 survey results, the typical diamond geezer reader is a straight-but-coupled 30-something male blog-reader from the London area. If anyone out there reckons they could be Mr Average, please stake your claim in the comments box. And here are those results in a little more detail.
Male or female? | | male (218) |  | 72% | female (85) |  | 28% | |
Hmmm, that's almost three male readers to every female. The proportion of women is slightly higher than two years ago, but not by much. Maybe cyberworld is still full of blokes, or maybe I'm just not posting enough kittens.
Age | | <20 (11) |  | 4% | 20s (85) |  | 28% | 30s (94) |  | 31% | 40s (60) |  | 20% | 50s (36) |  | 12% | 60+ (17) |  | 6% | |
Well over half of my readers are aged between 20 and 40, with slightly more 30- than 20-somethings. Since 2004 I've picked up rather more older readers than before, especially over the age of 50, but my attempts to attract the yoof market have clearly backfired. What I need is a diamond geezer myspace profile to get down wiv da kidz. So I started one. Well wikkid innit?
Where do you live? (pick one) | | London (130) |  | 43% | England (85) |  | 28% | UK (15) |  | 5% | Europe (16) |  | 5% | World (57) |  | 19% | |
OK, I know I write about London a lot, but by no means exclusively. So I continue to be amazed that my readers are increasingly far more likely to live in London (population 7 million) than anywhere else (population 6½ billion). Altogether just over three quarters of you are from the UK, but the proportion of overseas readers is gradually increasing. Heaven knows why you foreigners are interested in local London stuff, tea and nostalgic 80s TV programmes, but thanks for sticking with me.
A bit more about you | | straight, single (97) |  | 32% | straight, coupled (168) |  | 56% | gay, single (19) |  | 6% | gay, coupled (18) |  | 6% | |
Nearly 90% of you are straight (I suspect that's just below the global average), nearly 40% of you are single (I suspect that's just over the global average), and straight readers are noticeably more likely to be in a relationship than gay readers (I suspect that's deeply meaningful and many of you could blog about the subject at great length).
Do you have your own blog? | | yes (135) |  | 44% | no (169) |  | 56% | |
Although this vote ran very close, I note that the balance has tipped slightly in favour of non-bloggers over the last two years (was 47%, now 56%). Which is odd, because I thought everyone had a blog these days. Maybe your life isn't worth writing about, or maybe you have much better things to do with your time than telling the world what you had for breakfast and what you think of the Prime Minister. And that's fine because, quite frankly, I wouldn't have the time to read 300 of your blogs every day anyway.
How often do you read diamond geezer? | | daily (175) |  | 58% | often (94) |  | 31% | occasionally (20) |  | 7% | first visit (14) |  | 5% | |
Well over half of you come back every day, eh? That's comforting, because I do try very hard to post something every day for you to read. And yes, I know that a lot of you so-called daily readers probably read from work and have the weekends off - my visitor stats would support that - but you're still showing real online commitment. And a special hello to the 14 of you who were making your very first visit yesterday (assuming you ever come back again, that is).
When was your first visit to diamond geezer? | | 2002 (20) |  | 7% | 2003 (37) |  | 12% | 2004 (78) |  | 26% | 2005 (88) |  | 29% | 2006 (77) |  | 26% | |
And finally, a tribute to the longevity of blog readers. I started diamond geezer 3½ years ago (almost exactly), and 7% of you claim to be part of my first tiny readership trickle. Less than 20% of you were around the last time I ran this survey. Most of you are rather more recent, with about a quarter of you arriving here only within the last couple of months. Thanks to you all for sticking around, however long it's been. But I wonder if these results mean that I can get away with recycling more old posts without most of you noticing? (like this one for example...)
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