Monday, January 29, 2007
London EC2: Something is definitely wrong. Our Central line train hasn't moved for almost half an hour, and we're not happy. It's bad enough travelling face-to-armpit during a normal rush hour, but being stuck underground in cattletruck conditions with no sign of escape is far far worse. There must be well over 500 of us crammed in down here, and only a lucky handful with somewhere to sit. Our lives are on hold, deep beneath the streets of the City.
Something is definitely wrong. The occasional remote thud confirms this, causing the train's windows to rattle gently. We're all imagining the worst. The driver's not been very helpful so far either. First he came over the loudspeakers to say that the train was being held here and would be moving ahead as soon as possible. Ten minutes later he said he'd asked the control room what all the loud bangs were, and they'd promised to get back to him. Then he told us that his radio had gone dead, so we'd have to sit it out until power was restored. And he's just come on to say he's going to nip out of his cab and wander ahead up the tracks to St Paul's station to see what's going on. I hope he finds some answers.
Posted at 08:57 from 51°30'51"N 0°5'41"W via my Z470xi mobile
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