Tuesday, January 23, 2007
2012 days to 2012

A PR-gift of a milestone passes. The clock outside Stratford station records the moment correctly, second time around. Local businesses make plans to flee the area. Quartermile Road will soon become the first local road to be permanently closed off. Bulging white sacks of Japanese knotweed (labelled "Contaminated Materail") are piled up in a fenced-off compound beside the City Mill River. Some minor preparations are apparent but there's not much work in progress, not yet.

Beneath the Greenway on Marshgate Lane, East London's cynical artists have been out expressing themselves again. The previous graffiti inviting the International Olympic Committee to eff off has been painted over, replaced by a fresh bank of black and white arrows. They point northward under the sewer pipes, towards the site of the 2012 stadium. This way, they say, to the government's latest misconceived overpriced white elephant. Another ministerial folly with no sustainable future is on its way. In only 2012 days we'll know if they were correct.
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