Sunday, March 18, 2007
geezer goes out... and about, doing stuff
Normality is restored - (temporarily)
Four years ago, way back in March 2003, my BestMate emigrated to the US. Like you do. He moved from being 1½ miles away (and always up for going out somewhere and doing something) to being 5300 miles away (and my host for the occasional long haul holiday). My social life never quite recovered from the transition, which was rather careless of me. I ended up going out a lot less, and spending rather more of my spare time writing this blog. My loss, your gain.
Just over twelve hours ago BestMate flew back into the country for an extended period. My time since that landing has featured the consumption of alcohol, the munching of late-night beigels, a lot of waiting for nightbuses and considerable catching up discussing people, stuff and things. The next four weeks are likely to contain a lot of the same. So this post is just to warn you that I may be blogging a little less than usual, and a little less regularly, until Easter's rolled by. Maybe. Your loss, my gain.
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