Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Shakespeare quiz
Here are 15 modernised Shakespearean quotations.
Can you translate them back into the Bard's Olde English?
Answers in the comments box.
1) †me?
2) This bacon's off
3) Hard pencil or soft pencil?
4) One would like to place a bet
5) Welcome to the Globe Theatre
6) April 26th, April 26th, April 26th
7) I can only see Brooklyn and Cruz
8) Into the garden, you bloody dog!
9) What time's the next ménage à trois?
10) The Aphrodisiacs are a great band! Encore!
11) Smash the glass and shine your torch inside
12) Mmm, this prickleflower has a lovely perfume
13) Oh Fraulein Maria, how shall we escape the Nazis?
14) Julius, mate, can I borrow your headphones? Anyone?
15) It's January 1979 and there are binbags in Leicester Square
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