Thursday, May 17, 2007
It's now 4 weeks since Blogger slapped an ugly

across the top of my blog.
As a long term paid-up member of old Blogger, I'd previously been entitled not to have a great big navbar on my site. So I was a bit cross, and I emailed Blogger telling them so. They sent back a patronising "Are you sure you're really having a problem, why not try reading our FAQ instead" email. I replied to that, as requested, and they duly ignored me for three weeks. Then I emailed them for a third time, and now finally I've received a proper reply:
Hi there,
Thanks for writing in. We apologize for the delayed response.
Unfortunately, there is no way to remove the navbar at this time; however, if the Navbar is covering up the top of your blog, you can add a bit of CSS code to your template to shift your content down slightly. Just add the following code to the top element in your design:
Or use another method of your choice to move your content down by 40 pixels. Alternatively, you can use one of our default templates, all of which work well with the Navbar.
The Blogger Team
Or, in other words, bad luck you're stuck with it. Damn.
I'm not going to take their advice and 'upgrade' to a generic new Blogger template, because I prefer this generic old Blogger template. And I'm not going to take their advice and shift my top margin 40 pixels down. But I am going to take their advice and add a bit of CSS code to my template. It may not be quite the code that Blogger had in mind, but I'm pleased to say that it's had the desired effect.
Ah, that feels better already.
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