Saturday, December 15, 2007
• So far I've still only spent £1 on Christmas presents. One Christmas present. Is this a) lunacy? b) cautious? c) procrastinating? d) miserly? e) astute? f) saving the planet?
• I still haven't written any Christmas cards yet. And time is fast running out. Must try harder.
• Thanks to the two of you who've sent me homemade cards, they're lovely.
• So far this year I've only received 12 Christmas cards. I know it's still "early", but that's a bit rubbish isn't it? And not one single card from anybody at work, pah!
• Last Christmas I sent out 70 cards, but received only 34 back. Two to one against. That really is a bit rubbish.
• The people who do send me Christmas cards tend to be family members, people I'm still in touch with from university, the odd friend and a few select former work colleagues. But very few current work colleagues. Maybe I shouldn't bother this year. Their loss.
• I suspect that, by the end of this weekend, I'll have written lots of cards but still only have spent £1 on Christmas presents. I may have my priorities completely wrong. Or I may not.
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