Thursday, January 31, 2008
I gaze with mounting excitement at my beloved. You're finally coming, and not a moment too soon. Through the darkness I can just about make out your firm body and sleek curves, rushing headlong towards a deafening climax. Not long now, my darling.
In my mind's eye you slide to a halt, drawing me inside and smothering me with your steaming breath. Your throbbing vibrations cause me to shake and jerk, involuntarily, like a man possessed. I wait to be enveloped in your fiery embrace. It's a recurring fantasy of mine. It's my favourite train of thought.
Our intimate affair goes back several years. I fancied you the first time I laid eyes on you. I kept details of all your comings and goings in a notebook, and your number was firmly etched on my memory. I made it my business to know exactly where you'd be and when. I used to make tracks to your secluded woodland cutting, just to catch a glimpse of you as you passed by. You never looked back, and neither did I.
And now I have my dirty way with you every weekend. I always dress up for you, because I know you like it that way, and I always use protection. There has to be plenty of foreplay, for several hours if I can wangle it, before I'm willing to perform with you in public. Every Sunday morning I'm down on my knees with the grease gun, adding extra lubrication to ease your passage. Your coupling rods always need a good rub-down, and I love to buff up your double-action pistons. You can see the smile on my face, can't you, because I know I'll have you up against the buffers before the afternoon is out.
I hate having to share you with the other guys. I feel jealous when they wipe their filthy rags all over your body, or blow your whistle, or tighten up your nuts. When I see your shiny funnel, standing tall and erect, I feel like it's spitting white especially for me.
I long for the moment when I can reach out and rub my fingers over your iron belly again. I need to see you, to feel you, and to take dirty photos of you from every conceivable position. I want to climb up on top of you, wield my mighty tool and dig deep within your tender behind. I feel an unstoppable urge to fling open your flaps and fill you with burning fire. The fuel injection I bestow will drive us forward, together, inseparable. I need to stoke you up, to power you with energy, until the pressure within is released in shuddering motion. Soon my darling, soon.
You may be getting on a bit, but you're a lot more than an old boiler to me. I love the time we spend together. When I'm with you, I'm well chuffed. May our relationship never go off the rails.
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