Wednesday, January 30, 2008
How not to win a Bloggie: I've not been trying very hard, have I? Voting's been going on for a week now, and as yet I've failed to implore you to rush over to and cast a vote for your favourite "best european weblog". Instead I've been waffling on about deserted railway stations, canalside walks and IKEA tealights. It's not exactly the right stuff to inspire randomly-arriving international surfers to go away and vote for me, is it?
So, just in time for the last day of voting tomorrow, I'm going to try a completely different tack. I'm going to take a leaf out of the two blogs that have ruled this category for the last few years (girl with a one track mind and my boyfriend is a twat) and write more about emotional and passionate stuff instead. Because none of the four blogs I'm competing against regularly write about love and sex. Chocolate and Arsenal, maybe, which are damned close, but not cuddly relationships and rampant shagging. So I'm evolving in order to improve my potential success criteria. A world audience of mostly-Americans won't be able to resist my new intimate blogging approach, and are absolutely bound to vote for me just like they voted for the two Zoes. Shameless I know. But don't worry, it'll only be for one day. Normal service will be resumed once voting closes. [*cough* over here *cough*]
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