Blimey, that's a lot! I'm duly honoured by each and every one of these blogroll links, so many thanks to you all. But I also notice that the list is 20% shorter than last time...
I compile this list every year, so I started by checking all 200+ blogs on last year's list to see how many of them still linked here. About one in three have fallen by the wayside and don't appear this year. Some have just vanished, which is a pity. Some are now on hiatus (either deliberately, or through month-long neglect) which is a shame. Some have deleted their blogroll altogether, because blogrolls are so passé aren't they? And a few are still going strong but have removed me from their blogroll, which I guess is the way it goes, and I'm not bitter, honest. Still, at least several new blogs have come along and added me instead, so I'm not losing out completely. Which is nice. (blogs that weren't on last year's list are underlined)
I've always tried to keep my blogroll manageable (20 sites max), although I'm aware that this means I don't link to as many other blogs as I could/should. So today's post is a small way of making up for that omission. I hope it's a fairly complete list, courtesy of Technorati and various other useful web services, but I bet it isn't. Let me know if I've missed you/anyone off the list. And the rest of you, maybe you'd like to click on a few of these 167 links to see what you're missing.