Thursday, March 25, 2010
You're wrong.
I know you think you're right, but you're wrong.
You have firm views on all sorts of things. You believe in this, but never in that. You know what you like, and you know what you don't like. Your opinions are strong, and set, and steadfast. It's obvious to you how other people should think and it's obvious to you how they shouldn't. And you have absolutely no tolerance for the rest of us who might even dare to think something different.
You drone on and on in the pub. Whenever a topic of interest comes up, you're straight in there telling everybody else what's right. You always have an answer, and you're quick to use supposed facts to back up your personal prejudices. If anybody dares disagree with your fixed point of view, you're quick to point out the error of their ways. Everybody knows what you're going to say before you open your mouth, and they wish you wouldn't.
You chip in and insult people because of their beliefs. "How could anybody think that...?" "Only an idiot would say..." "That's clearly rubbish because..." But you never stop to think that your opponents might have a point, because they obviously don't. The tone of your voice makes it clear that your words are somehow more important than everybody else's. You think that you're preaching to the converted, but in fact we all think you're a twat.
You bore the pants off us in the comments box. You make kneejerk points of protest, and your words are invariably negative. You cajole, lambast and provoke. You think nothing of a thinly veiled insult, because you firmly believe it to be the truth. You ride the same hobby horses all the time, and churn out a predictable stream of bile every time a pet topic is mentioned. We'd not miss you if you never posted again, but somehow you never get the hint and bugger off.
You live in an ideological bunker. You're completely set in your opinions, and blinkered to all alternative views. You feed off being angry, and the slightest offence makes your blood boil. You think the world's biased against you, although in your perfect world intolerance is king. You'd never dream of saying sorry, because you believe it's the rest of us who should be saying sorry to you. We're all wrong sometimes, but you never stop to think that this might include you.
I sometimes think I'm right, although at other times I'm willing to accept I might not be. But one thing I know, for certain, without doubt.
You're wrong.
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