Saturday, April 24, 2010
As a long-term devotee of Extreme Easters, I feel it's my duty to point out that next Easter will occur precisely one year from today. That's Sunday 24th April 2011, which for anybody below retirement age will be the latest that Easter has ever been. There's only one later date that Easter can be, which (obviously) is 25th April, and that hasn't happened since 1943. Which means that next year we're in for a ridiculously late Easter weekend, which ought to coincide with lovely Spring warmth but will probably be a freezing washout because life's like that. This also means that patriotic flag-waving Anglophiles are finally going to get their wish, and St George's Day will at last be celebrated over a bank holiday weekend. Sure George'll have to share the limelight with some back-from-the-dead Palestinian, but that won't stop red-faced white van men from having celebratory barbecues and getting pissed. This unofficial Dragon-defeating holiday will be a one-off, unless a new jingoistic government decides to increase the spring bank holiday logjam by adding another. Otherwise Englishfolk are going to have to wait until 2038 for a proper St George's Day Holiday, although that'll coincide with off-licence restrictions and early pub closure because it'll also be Good Friday. In the meantime I'm very much looking forward to an Extreme Late Easter next year, because that means the longest Creme Egg season ever. Let's hope it's not so hot by late April that all the chocolate melts.
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