Thursday, June 24, 2010
It's time once again for me to remind pluggers and marketing types not to send me emails. They're still doing it. And I'm still not interested. I'm not the sort of blogger who waxes lyrical about ad campaigns and product endorsement, and I never mention any event or service that's been drawn to my attention by the promoter. So here are some more desperate requests for publicity, but with all the brand names heartlessly deleted. And I hope it's damned frustrating for all those concerned.
Tired of all the doom and gloom around? Is the idea of tightening your belt tugging the corners of your mouth down? Think you know a bit about <academic subject> and everything else? Why not try and forget all that for one night and come along to our comedy quiz night at the <famous London museum> on <date> June.
It turns out that tickets to this credit-crunch-friendly quiz night cost over £10. Someone should judge the mood before they send this stuff out.
Good Morning,
I hope you're well and enjoying the lovely sunshine! I have a story that I thought you might like as a Londoner (and a writer about London!) <Large medical company> have developed a unique project to find the mood of the nation using social media. By analyising more than 66,000 tweets <large medical company> has been able to reveal the prevalent mood of London in the last four weeks was ‘in love’ (2,508/47% in the past four weeks alone). <Large medical company> were able to gather this information thanks to their ‘<special map>’ which breaks down tweets by location and mood by combining twitter data with Google maps resulting in a real time mood map of the UK.
I don't know about you, but if I were a scientist I'd be ashamed to be associated with this twaddle.
We thought your readers may be interested in the next talk at <popular museum> as it is dedicated to your local areas. We would love it if you could include it in your next blog and on your website. The talk is a part of <popular museum>'s public programme for a new exhibition. Please contact me if you require any further information or images or if you wish to come to the Museum as our guest to review the exhibition.
I paid good money to go to the previous exhibition at this museum, and thought it was a bit poor. They should count themselves lucky I never got round to reviewing it on here.
Hey Diamond Geezer!
I’m <name> and I am helping to organise a blogger evening at the <name of pub> pub in Camden, which involves a collaboration between the <well known brand of stationery> and the <unheard-of> blog. The event, which ties in with the 30th birthday celebrations of the <well known brand of stationery>, takes place this coming Monday. I was wondering if you would like to attend? It’ll be free of course and there will be some giveaways and fun competitions on the night. One of the inventors of the <well known brand of stationery> will also make a guest appearance to answer any questions on the night. Would love to have you come down.
To any of you out there who might still believe that social media and marketing are a match made in heaven, I'm afraid this is the reality.
And finally, here's an email that judged the mood correctly.
I have just found your blog and wanted to get in touch: I am contacting you from <Arts Centre>, an arts centre located in <East London location>. I really liked your blog and wondered if you'd agree for us to add your contacts to our press list so that you are kept up to date with our future events? Please let me know if you'd rather avoid press email from us! I look forward to hearing from you, and would be delighted to give you more info on <Arts Centre> if you ever happen to be around!
Slightly too many exclamation marks, but Claire's got precisely the right approach. Assume nothing, ask politely, and see if the recipient bites. I didn't, but I suspect she'll have had more luck elsewhere. Watch and learn.
Meanwhile if you're a blinkered social marketing guru who hasn't taken the hint yet, please go whore your goods elsewhere. Many thanks.
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