Thursday, August 19, 2010
They're coming thicker and faster. Especially thicker. Emails from pluggers and marketing types suggesting that I mention something specific on this blog. Sorry folks, it still ain't happening. So here are some more desperate requests for publicity, all from the last month, but with all the brand names heartlessly deleted. And I hope it's damned frustrating for all those concerned.
I can see from your site that you’re interested in travelling and holidays and thought you might like to hear about one of London’s most vibrant areas; Westminster. Westminster has a huge variety of things to do and places to see. Head to the famous Big Ben and Houses of Parliament, or check out some art at the Tate Modern. If you fancy chilling out with some music, try the Southbank Centre. Where better to stay to enjoy all that Westminster has to offer than <cheapo hotel>, opening up on August 30th, located just 10 metres from <tube station not in Westminster>.
I'm not the only person to have received this one from Sally, but it is a classic clanger of the genre.
I was just wondering if you got my previous email from last week as I didn’t get a response. If you didn’t manage to check it out I was emailing about this great new competition from <radio station> called <name of festival> I am working with and wanted to know if you would be up for posting about it on Diamond Geezer?
You didn't get a reply, Chris, because you didn't send me an email last week. Get with the programme.
Do you mind if I link to your site from my footwear blog?
If you even need to ask, Kathy, the answer is yes.
I contact you a few days ago about a sponsored article for your blog. I can pay you £200 for the fully disclosed article which will include you uploading a <theme>-themed photograph, some blurb about the competition (in your own style to fit your blog) a few links, and one brand image for <British bank>. If you are interested, please get back to me asap because the offer may be taken up by another blog!
At least two other London blogs took up Zarina's offer, so you've no doubt read all about this sponsored competition elsewhere. Easy money.
Dear DG,
I came across your blog Diamond Geeker...
Stop right there. Was that a Freudian slip, Lucy, or can you simply not read?
Hi there
I hope you are well. I was excited to stumble across Diamond Geezer and thought you would be the perfect people to get involved in a project we’re working on at the moment with <Male-based Pills Company> who have just launched an anti-ageing tablet, totally based on natural ingredients. Basically, we’d like to offer you a free 3 month sample of the product for you to try out and review on your blog/website. <Male-based Pills Product> isn’t even available to the public yet so I would really like you to be one of the first to try it.
Oh Becky, so I'm perfect for this am I? Go away.
So my message remains the same. If you're a social marketing guru who hasn't taken the hint yet, please stop sending me sycophantic promotional emails. It only makes you look desperate. Many thanks.
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